Monthly Report – November 2006


Officer Bradley DiMartino received a letter of commendation for outstanding work he did in responding to and assisting in the successful conclusion and arrest in a burglary on October 27, 2006.

Patrolman Michael Masullo received a letter of commendation for outstanding work he did in responding to and assisting in the successful conclusion and arrests in a burglary on November 3, 2006.


Evans Police Dispatchers took 2,357 complaints for the month of November 2006.

Patrol Division

The Evans Police Patrol Division handled complaints including:

Animal Complaints108
Community Policing285
Criminal Mischief28
Domestic Incidents13
False Alarms25
Loud Music10
Missing Persons0
Neighbor Dispute5
Premise Checks142
Sex Crimes5
Welfare Check10
  • Fifteen prisoners were held in the Town of Evans Police Lockup in November 2006.
  • One hundred Police Reports were filed and thirty-three accidents were reported to State of New York as reportable accidents under the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
  • Evans Police Officers issued 78 simplified traffic informations in November of 2006 including:
DWI Related6
License/Permit Violations14
Red Lights0
Required MV Equipment7
Vehicle Registration Violations3
Stop Sign1

Detective Bureau

Forty-five people were arrested, mostly for violations of the New York State Penal Law, Alcohol Beverage Control Law and Vehicle and Traffic Law. Four people were arrested for DWI.

Dog Control

Seventeen appearance tickets were issued from the Dog Control Office.

Veteran’s Outreach Center

Are you Homeless or at Risk of Homelessness? We are here to serve you!

  • Dedicated case management services
  • Housing search and placement services
  • Limited temporary financial assistance
  • Legal services and resources
  • Employment services
  • Credit and budge counseling
  • Peer mentoring
  • Accredited veterans benefits counseling

Click here for more information.